Hard Landscaping

Hard landscaping involves the use of materials such as wood, metal, stone and brick. Hard landscaping usually involves the construction, repair or removal of structures. If your looking for a skilled and reliable landscaper, A&J Gardening Services would  love to work with you and can offer a range of landscaping services.


A&J Gardening Services can build you a range of Pergolas. This price includes materials and labour for the build.

Additional charges will apply for installation into paved areas or decking.

Soft Landscaping

Soft landscaping does not involve construction. Soft landscaping refers to the lighter elements of gardening, such as plants, soil and flowers. It is the more changeable, living part of your garden. An experienced landscaper can help you design and make the most of your outdoor space. Landscaping services vary from client to client, please get in touch for a no obligation quote.

Cleaning and maintenance

This could include cleaning, jet washing, clearance, weeding, grass cutting, hedge trimming, re-potting and general upkeep.

Happy to talk through all Gardening services.